The University Libraries are disappointed to announce that ClinicalKey, a large collection of biomedical books and journals, will no longer be available to the UVM community, starting on Friday, October 22nd. Unfortunately, negotiations with Elsevier, the publisher behind these resources, came to an unfruitful conclusion. Our budget cannot bear the quadrupled price increase Elsevier proposed.
UVM’s medical librarians are working to identify alternate resources. Unfortunately, Elsevier refuses to sell most of its clinical electronic books outside ClinicalKey. We are able to purchase Elsevier titles in print when available. And we can help you identify similar e-books produced by other publishers. We are also working to identify essential reference and research tools that meet some of the needs previously served by ClinicalKey. These new resources will soon appear in the catalog and on the Dana Medical Library website.
The UVM Libraries remain committed to obtaining the articles you need. Some of the content lost in the subscription cancellation can be obtained through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loan requests will remain free of charge to UVM students, faculty, and staff. You can also use the Libraries’ Recommend a Purchase service to request that we purchase a book or journal.
The Libraries will closely monitor use of new resources to ensure they are meeting student and faculty needs and to identify additional resources that may be necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dana Medical Library Director Denise Hersey.